Saturday 8 August 2015


Life is not a bed of roses, certainly thorns are unforgettable part of it. You can't lie in it without getting yourself peirced at certain occasions. Life was never easy and times are always difficult. As we walk the road, we are some times knocked down so bad. At times, there's no strength left to stand up again. You feel vulnerable and you find million reasons to give all up. Solitude and despair outgrows you. You may also mistake it to be the end of your day. But one must never forget, end is always the beginning. Nothing really ends bad for anyone. We find a new path to tread on. We take the different road and we find a new hope. Life is something that you cant just ditch and your heart is something that will never stop desiring. Hearts are delicate. They only understand love. And love never leaves our side. The invisible shield of love always protects us and makes us go on. Take it from some one who's been there, there's always hope, there's always a way. Stay happy in the darkest hour and you will find light of the stars. Walk in the gloomiest street and you will find a tender hand of a friend. You fall, you rise. You cry,  you smile. And time flies. When they say, times are never the same, they are right. For, we never stay the same, why shall time be any different? Find a reason to smile everyday. Smiles heal. I have heard that Smiles make wonders! Never let your heart shatter.Even if they do, don't give up. When there's nothing, there's hope. And hope does miracles!
Always H.O.P.E. for when you Hold On, Pain Ends, and when it does,
Smile and stay beautiful, everything will look beautiful to your eyes. For you are beautiful at heart!