Tuesday 26 November 2013

The Unsaid Emotions

Relation. This word in itself has got a deep meaning to it. However it is kind of strange that we keep learning more and more of this word till our last breath. Relations never die, only people do. When we live we live several relations, one such is the relation of siblings.

The relation of siblings is yet unexplained, they fight, they literally fight, and it is damn true that they can not live without each other. If you are a single child trust me you have certainly missed living the most beautiful relation, a relation you can never forget and obviously you wouldn't even dare or want to. The emotions, the feelings, the secrets, are unsaid. It is something that can not be explained in words, for words aren't enough. Being with someone younger that you makes you feel wiser and caring and being with someone elder makes you feel young as if you are still a kid, far away from the worries of the world, the roller coaster life. You feel being cared. The relation that's out of this world is the relation of siblings.

" I HATE YOU !! ", These are the first words that I utter whenever I indulge in a fight with my brother. It happens all the time and I am pretty sure that it is gonna continue till the time we are living together. He has got a name but that wasn't enough for me...... so I have given him some very very good names 😉

 When it comes to praise somebody especially someone important in my life, I am always short on words. I never find the right words, but I know one day I will find the words and they'd be right! 
Whatever I say and whatever I do, in the end I know that I can not live without my two very imaginative, creative, idiot brother and sister. Oh, they make me laugh, sometimes cry but that's the best part of this relation. My mother always keeps wondering " What are they up to now, if they are sitting together quietly ?" I will say in praise of we three kids of our parents that WE ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I never ever have said that how much I care and love them two but I know that they know. You need not express your feelings, your emotions, your cries they just happen to know! The credit goes to the telepathy, of course!
But yes, you cannot live without sharing and its not food that I am talking about!

I love the time that I spend with my siblings and the laughter we share. Those moments are precious and priceless. 

I just love them!!! However and Whatever they are.


  1. i realy like your blog
    em speechless

  2. I so second you Yeshika. Every word, every emotion is so real & so true. No matter how much we fight, how much we criticise each other, we are incomplete without each other. Our siblings complete our world.

    I love bhai. <3

    1. I know............ well I so love my siblings especially MY SISTER!!

  3. I know right...... this is indeed the best relation that anybody can have and I really wish that everybody else understands the unsaid emotions........

    1. Everyone would for sure. :)
      P.S: Your sister is for sure aware of your love for her.
