Wednesday 21 September 2016

The heart wants what it wants

“You’re crazy”, he said when she said something funny.” No, I speak out my heart sometimes”, she replied honestly “You don’t really care what people think about you, do you?”, he questioned mocking her.  “Never have, never will”, she said smiling, gladly jumping over a puddle, in the most childish manner. The sunset was beautiful, birds were chirpy, a fading rainbow, a slow walk. “Your bizarre reactions take me by surprise at times. Things that you do out of the blue. Like this jumping and smiling to yourself all the time”, he said after thinking for a few moments, then he smiled, “ but I like it.” She returned a smile, walking her normal pace. “Tell me something about you that I don’t know”, he asked with curiosity in his eyes.

“I go crazy rarely and with some very specific people. I do what my heart desires. I know I should listen to my mind, but my hearts always rules over my mind. I listen to people, I seek advises, but I find myself doing what my heart craves for.  Sometimes I even end up scolding myself for screwing around, and not following my mind’s instructions”, she said thinking out loud. “The heart wants what it wants”, he stated. “Where the heart gets what it wants. Winning the battles from my mind, and doing things knowing I’ll only hurt myself more, going with the flow, sometimes even regretting, but making me do what it wants”, she answered pondering slightly. “Don’t let it rule your mind then”, he pointed out. She smiled and said, “If I won’t do what my heart wants then who will? And I can survive darkness and shadows if I get to dance in the rain every once in a while. ” He thought over and asked, “All this for few minutes’ happiness?” She looked him in the eyes, smile filling her eyes, and spoke, “All this for what it’s worth, for my brave heart. Because the heart wants what it wants.” He smiled thinking over what she said and said, “You’re utterly absurd.” She laughed and said, “I know.”

Tuesday 20 September 2016


"What would be heaven?" She asked lost in deep thought.
"Waking up in his arms." I answered imagining the whole scene.
"A smile?" She asked curiously.
"And a deep kiss." I replied.
"Breakfast in bed?" She questioned further pressing the moment.
"Cook together, a beautiful morning, our favorite songs, chirpy faces." I smiled.
"What after that?"
"His hair, my hands."
"...would be the sunset, the soft grass, his head, my lap." I smiled to the thought.
"No books?"
"Entire afternoon." 
"And he won't disturb?" She asked.
"He'll be doing something he'd love."
"A magical one. We'll be the silence lovers."
"Or the silent lovers?" She teased.
"More like the whisperers." I casted a notorious smile.
"And the evening?"
"A fun affair."
"A wild kiss?" She raised her brows.
"A wicked smile!"
"His arms?"

Thursday 28 July 2016

Locked away

There they stood, gazing at each other passionately. The moment they were in, couldn't be felt by anyone else, couldn't be in right words. A gaze so unbreakable, a hold invisibly impenetrable. A gown, a tux, and waltz in the starry sky. A moment so heavenly.

A place packed with strangers, and yet the feeling of being on their own. Just the two of them. The two of them, and the icing floor, felt soft underneath their feet. A roar of applaud, a sweet and beautiful song. Everyone's eyes alighted with joy, theirs with sadness, for having few moments with each other. A reassuring smile on his face, a tear of love rolling down her cheek.

Laughter and humor filling the air around. Their senses shut to everything, but stood reading the eyes.

Groom at the alter, bride walking down the aisle, melody filling in. Locked by each other's gaze, they said their vows without parting their lips. No bestman, no bridesmaid. Just the two of them.
Two souls intertwined, when their bodies stood still, eyes not moving.

Much awaited dance of the married couple, and here they stood, smiling, happily unmarried. Holding hands, lost in the moment. Last song, last see off, last dance, last kiss. Time never stopping. Last moment with each other before being parted from the icing of the cake.

A last chance. A last hold. A last gaze. A last second to remember for a thousand years. One last breath.

His last smile, her last tear.
And separation of hands.

Friday 3 June 2016

He knows the traitor!

"Please don't be in love with some one else, please don't have somebody waiting on you." Murmuring the lyrics to herself, she walked to the mirror to have a last glance at herself. She looked at the face that was glowing with freshness, but her eyes whispering another story. Ignoring what she was seeing, she walked out the door, treading the sidewalk that she always took to work. Maintaining the pace, with her headphones on, she walked on, not glancing around for a second. Today was different, she was listening to the same songs that she loved, but not singing along, not dancing to her own beat. Her pace slower than usual and she wasn't enjoying the autumn's shower of leaves that she loved, she was just walking absentmindedly, though fully aware as to where she was going. But today was different.
"Morning!" She was wished by her usual desk partner. She never realized  that he always waited at the door for her. They walked in together and settled in, facing each other. They never talked, never even exchanged their views about work.
Sitting just across her, he thought of a thousand ways to manage his work but never could he manage to ask her how she was and what she liked. But he liked to watch her when she wasn't looking. When today he looked at her, he felt unrest. For a split second, their eyes met, and he heard what they were saying. He felt the emotions, he felt the unsaid pain. He felt the warmth of her cheeks and listened to her beating heart. All in a split second, and a tear rolled down his cheeks, she blinked but couldn't look away. Her heart revolted to reach out to the guy sitting just across, to hold him and tell him that what ever it was will be alright. The same moment, he smiled, and both their worries vanished. That minute was all they ever needed, in which they shared their words and promised for better times ahead. She was calm again, now she could dance on the bed of colors on which her heart lay. And she smiled seeing him smile again. Today was different, because today she wanted to say it out loud," Please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have somebody waiting on you"
She looked at him with intense emotions in her eyes, never saying  word, but today was different and today he replied," Even if I had to wait, I'll wait for a thousand years.", without taking his gaze off her.  Something he had been yearning to say, something she was desperate to hear. Today was different because Something different was about to start.

Thursday 2 June 2016

The difference you know

You know the place is different when you look for your corner and it's not there anymore. you know the place is different when you don't know the switch board combinations anymore. You know the place is different when you lie down to stare at your favorite spot and it's not the same anymore. You know the place is different when you don't find your cozy couch to laze around. You know the place is different when you  lay your head and your same tear soaking pillow is not there anymore. You know the place is different when you search for familiar faces and you don't see them anymore. You know the place is different when the chirps of the birds are not the usual ones anymore. You know the place is different when the path you know is not there to tread anymore. You know the place is different when you search for your smile and it's not there anymore.