Tuesday 30 December 2014

The Wait!

"Oh shit, I'm gonna get late", he said looking at the time by his watch. He ran in a hurry all through the street, and finally stopped when he saw the only girl he had been watching from a few weeks now, dancing on her own beat.He watched her everyday in school or in the evening at 6 pm to be exact.He would rush through every other business save from this. He wouldn't walk, just saw her walking or dancing with her earphones on! He often tried to read her lips to know the song she was singing. Every time he saw her, sort of frenzy began in him. Every day he came, he pushed himself to talk to her once, but actually could never do. The chase was not just confined to the path covered with autumn leaves, he would cut down his way to her classes in school. I his fantasies..... they talked... for hours, they laughed, walked together, but in reality..... he just watched and admired her.

Soon came December, the month she loved the most as it was her birth month. 
"So my lady, what would you like?", he wondered as if asking her casually while he had his gaze stuck on her one freezing evening.
Days passed, he had thought of so many ways to ask her out and had planned surprises for his lady. One evening, he came all prepared to the street, determined to finally confess to his feelings but to his dismay there was a no show. It started snowing....... he waited for an hour and left with a heavy disappointed and worried heart. School was closed, he couldn't see her for days....... He was anxious, worried and confused and helpless. Christmas passed and the season went on with no shows!! It was New Year's eve.......the town buzzed with the New Year Celebrations..... however, the boy sat on a bench away from the crowd...... terribly sad he was...... for he could neither see her nor could wish her. His mind said she would not come while his heart argued that she would. His eyes anxiously searching....... his eyes dropped on not seeing her so far. 
"The party is inside...... what are you doing out in the cold?", he heard somebody say who now sat besides him.
"Quite boring for me ", he replied disappointedly. The girl wondered what must he be thinking, before she could say another word, she heard him asking, "What are you doing outside?"

"Well.... the party isn't working for me and besides, I wanted to Thank somebody for the beautiful roses I found at my door this morning."

He rose his head and finally had a gaze on her face and it lit with a huge smile...... his eyes were filled with utter happiness. "Uh.... how..... I mean.... Hey!!", he fumbled with the words. The girl laughed softly..... and said,"Hi.....".
"I'm sorry........ you said something about roses....?"
"Yeah.... the lovely roses...... I loved those...... Thanks!!", she smiled.

"Why are you thanking me?", he asked dubiously.
"What........ you didn't really think that you were the only one watching??!!", she raised her eyebrows with a smirk.

The smile on his face got wider....... they shared the same blush on their faces. They heard the church bell chime at new year.......

"Happy B'day!!", he wished and she smiled.
"I must be your last wish.", he said disheartened. To which she replied, "No, You are my First Wish!!"

They kissed and wished, "Happy New Year!!


  1. Wishing this girl a very happy birthday and a year full of love and happiness. She is beautiful. :)

    1. Sure.... I'll convey your wishes!! :) :)

      She must be very lucky to have you! :) :*
